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She checked every millimetre of 12,000 square meters in one day

In a two-page article, Dagens Næringsliv tells how Statsbygg deployed Imerso during the construction of the building 155 at the Veterinary College in Ås.

Written by Sarah Muller
Updated: January 19, 2023
construction inspection, quality control

Imerso was featured in a two-page story in Dagens Næringsliv

Jonas Bakken tells how Statsbygg deployed Imerso technology during the construction of the building 155 at the Veterinary College in Ås. By using our platform, the team saved time and reduced costs.

In one working day, every millimetre of the building of 12,000 square meters was scanned with a single small device. All pipes, walls and openings on-site were registered and immediately compared with the building plans — spotting any deviation between what was done and was planned.

Read the full story here (in Norwegian)

She checked every millimetre of 12,000 square meters in one day

About Imerso

Imerso is a software platform that combines BIM, Reality Capture, and AI technologies to automate construction site supervision and quality inspections with one simple workflow. We help construction companies cut project risks and delay costs with real-time monitoring of site status and work quality.

For additional reading, check out the 7 Powerful ways of using Imerso to supercharge your construction projects.


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