Laser capturing made simple
Most of our users had never made or worked with laser scans in their lives before starting with Imerso. Add this powerful technology to your toolkit and stop wasting time and money with inaccurate information.
Imerso merges BIM with the site reality to give you unprecedented contextual awareness of your sites. Boost collaboration in planning and design, eliminate costly risks, and detect better, more sustainable design choices in 30% shorter time.
You need to know the site conditions for your designs
When the site reality is not taken to account, you risk that your designs will not fit. If your model dimensions and layouts are incorrect, making any purchases of equipment and materials from the models will be extra risky. This is a major source of costly surprises and delays in the construction phase in every refurb.
Imerso let's you ensure the map matches the terrain.
Most of our users had never made or worked with laser scans in their lives before starting with Imerso. Add this powerful technology to your toolkit and stop wasting time and money with inaccurate information.
Imerso compares your models against the site As-built conditions and alerts you of any problematic mismatches. This lets your team take reality into account to find better design choices.
An As-Built BIM model early in the planning stage gives you certainty that your designs will fit and everything can be built as planned, with no more costly surprises later in the construction phase.
Nikolaj Dehn, VDC Group Leader
Catching issues early and resolving the proactively, project owners like Region Hovestaden are preventing costly surprises and delays from their projects.
Leveraging the online Digital Twin, property owners like Statsbygg and KLP Eiendom are coordinating their remote teams online, reducing the need for in-person site visits.
Through better site supervision and reliable status control, projects like the NHN Hospital are boosting labor productivity while staying clear of dangerous complications.
Get everyone on the same page faster, through better access to better data, and leverage smart automations to free your team's time to do their best work.
Lars Kittilsen
Architect, KLP Eiendom