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customer story

Danish HVAC Contractor improves quality control with Imerso by 400%

E. Klink, a Danish heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) contractor and part of the Aarsleff Group is a pioneer in the field of building and maintaining energy-optimized ventilation systems. The company is working on a broad range of projects, from hospitals and laboratories to banks and museums.

Staying at the edge of development, E. Klink launched a Digital design with 3D BIM technology initiative in 2019. The aim was to ensure high quality during the project design phase, using Solibri Office already since 2017 as the model checker as well as other software.

However, the quality control of piping systems and air terminals throughout the actual construction phase was still done by spot checks. This covered only a small percentage of the entire project and bore the risk of issues being overlooked.

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Written by Sarah Muller
Updated: March 14, 2023
construction inspection, quality control

Imerso's place in the ecosystem


E.Klink and Imerso partnership

E.Klink had learned about the Norwegian technology company Imerso from Nikolaj Dehn, VDC Group Manager for Development at Per Aarsleff A/S, who had signed a license with the software provider earlier that year.

In September 2021, E. Klink chose to work with the Norway-based deep tech company Imerso to support the quality control throughout the production phase.

“The three main advantages of Imerso over other solutions are:

  • There is no need for targets during the scanning process, making it much easier to do the laser scanning.
  • The user interface is very intuitive, making it easy to include colleagues into projects.
  • Controlling large areas and finding deviations is extremely effective.”

    — Nikolaj Dehn, VDC Group Manager for Development at Per Aarsleff A/S
In two projects spanning over 110 000 m2, Imerso’s platform analysed laser scans taken by E. Klink’s own employees and verified that ducts and air terminals are located correctly, by comparing them to corresponding BIM models and highlighting possible deviations.

construction site scanning

One of E.Klink’s employees scanning a construction site with a
Leica BLK360.

First results

After the second month, the results were already impressive. E.Klink’s team, led by construction engineers Patrick Frydenlund and Chris Gordner, can now verify 100% of the ducts and air terminals within the same time that it took to verify just 15–20% in the past — a productivity increase of over 400%.

The Imerso platform shows BIM and scans overlayed
The Imerso platform shows BIM and scans overlayed.

Imerso's place in the ecosystem

Looking at a more operational level, E.Klink’s workflow is divided into three parts: scanning, deviation detection and issue communication. A Leica BLK360, which can be operated with Imerso’s mobile app, is used by E.Klink employees to scan the construction sites. Afterwards, the laser scans are uploaded to Imerso’s platform where Chris Gordner and his colleagues analyse the results of Imerso’s Scan-vs-BIM deviation detection. Issues are then communicated via Dalux, which the company uses as their project management platform.

deviations in contruction
Imerso’s platform highlights objects that cross a certain tolerance. The user can spot deviations immediately and decide whether to correct issues on-site or update the BIM model.

Besides the productivity gain throughout the production process, E.Klink now avoids unforeseen delays during the production phase. This new method also reduces the risk for warranty claims after the project is finished while having millimetre-precise documentation of the work.

Side-by-side view: Imerso’s platform offers the possibility to see panorama pictures and scan data side by side, facilitating navigation for viewers who are not familiar with point clouds (scan data).
The construction site (reality) captured with a laser scanner and uploaded to Imerso’s platform (left). Corresponding view in the BIM model (right). Imerso’s algorithm provides a list of deviations it finds between reality and the plan, and color codes the BIM model accordingly. Everything in green is built correctly, while objects in orange deviate from the plan.

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